Monday, July 6, 2015

Mileage Monday: Last Pictures From The Site

I skipped last Monday's post because I was out of town celebrating my parent's 50th wedding anniversary in Whistler, BC. I will be doing a recap of the vacation (this time I mean it, unlike last year's trip to Miami), in the week or so.

Sadly these are the last pictures I have saved from the old virtual walk site. Next Monday's post will be a bit different, and with no pictures. Since being back from vacation I haven't exerciesed at all because I came down with a nasty chest cold. I didn't think it was wise to try to exert myself while coughing up a lung or two. Feeling better now, so we'll see if I can start back up tomorrow.

Mile 910 (Jessica Smith for 3.3 miles)

Mile 913.2 (Jessica Smith for 3.3 miles)

Mile 914.2 (elliptical for 1 mile)

Mile 919 (Jessica Smith for 4.8 miles)

Mile 920 (elliptical for 1 mile)

That 4.8 miles I did using Jessica Smith's Walk On: 21 Day Weight Loss Plan DVD was FitBit's step challenge day. FitBit gave everyone the challenge of beating their best step day. My berst day prior to the challeng was around 13,000 steps. For the challenge I made it just over 15,000. However, on vacation I beat that step goal. Stay tuned to see how many steps I racked up each day.

I will be aiming for 10,000 steps a day once I get over this cold. I figure if I can do this kind of stepping on vacation, I can do it here also. It will be good for me. I tend to workout and then sit for the rest of the day. No more of that.

Keep moving!

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