Monday, May 6, 2013

The Return Of Mileage Mondays

Yep, I got behind yet again. The good news is I found the Windows Live Writer for Windows 8, so I can post more that 2 pictures at a time without them being huge. So, six at a shot works well.

I mention in my last post that I just completed my 5th year at the virtual walk site. Five years of “walking across America”. Where am I now? I surprised myself just the other day when I entered in my mileage. I am now in Kentucky! I finally made it out of Virginia. I’ve gone a total of 560.8 miles since April 28, 2008. Since my last mileage post, I’ve passed through the cities of Council, VA in Russell county, Bee, VA in Buchanan county, and Breaks, VA in Dickenson county. I am on my way to Elkhorn City, KY in Pike county. I have about 7 and a half miles until I hit that city.

I’m back to doing Leslie Sansone’s DVD, 5K With A Twist. That’s my favorite of the two Leslie DVDs that I own. So my mileage picked up again with that. I’m still doing my elliptical, and try for a mile every time I get on. I do take breaks still, but I’m working on it.

So let’s get to the back-log of pictures again. Here we go.

Mile 527 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                    Mile 527.6 (elliptical for .5 mile)

527 Eliptical for 1                    527.6 Elliptical for 1

Mile 528.6 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                  Mile 531.8 (watp for 3.1 miles)

528.6 Elliptical for 1                     531.8 Leslie for 3.1

Mile 533.2 (watp for 3.1 miles)                                  Mile 536.4 (watp for 3.1 miles)

533.2 Elliptical for .5 Leslie for 1                     536.4 Leslie for 3.1


(photo credit - Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving!

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