Friday, November 5, 2010

Tired, Tired, Tired

It's Friday! It does not feel like Friday to me. I'm not sure what day it feels like. My husband hasn't had a day off in almost a month. Good news a is, I think he has this Sunday off. It's not for certain, but he's trying. The days are starting to bleed together. I plan on taking Sunday off from the elliptical. My feet and calves feel achy and tired today, and I feel a little worn out. Got to keep moving though.

I'm still amazed at how my walker is improving my balance and stability. I think I might be ready to try to walk with it with no shoes. Maybe. My Five Fingers shoes had to be washed today, so I am barefoot right now. I could put them on when they're still wet, but I don't feel like sloshing around when I walk. They take about 12 hours to dry completely when they're inside. I'm sure they only take an hour or two if I put them outside in the sun. But I don't feel like doing that right now. All I feel like doing at the moment is relaxing on the couch, and reading my book. It's 1:00 PM right now, but it feels like 7:00 PM. Maybe I'll make a cup of green tea to wake myself up.

Elliptical stats for the day:
Distance- .7 mile
Resistance level-1
Endurance- Great. Got a bit tired the last two and a half minutes.
Injury- None. Feet feel tired and achy, but that's all.

Virtual walk tour stats for the day:
0.7 miles today
198.4 miles since April 28, 2008
2.89 miles to Mechums River, VA, Charlottesville City County

Here is the picture of the day.


Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab

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