Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mileage Monday And Unofficial SparkPeople Turkey Track (100,000 Step Challenge – FitBit)


(photo credit -

So, about a month or so after I got my FitBit Flex, SparkPeople came out with their own fitness tracker. It’s not as high-tech as the FitBit, but it’s great for beginners I think. SparkPeople set up a “Turkey Track” challenge for November, where members challenged themselves to walking 100,000 steps for the month of November.

When I got my FitBit, I joined the SparkPeople team “FitBit Users Unite”, and the leaders on that team decided to hold their own challenge. I jumped on board, and racked up a total of 179,885 steps for the month of November. Since I easily went past the 100,000 step mark in mid November I earned the neat little picture you see above. Near the end of November I slowed down with my workouts for various reasons.

That team is holding another challenge for the month of December, so I’m going to be taking part in that one also. I chose a goal of 200,000 steps for the month of December. I should be able to accomplish that, I just need to get back into my exercise routine, and not let things overtake me.

For the last few days the virtual walk site has been yelling at me because I haven’t entered any mileage in for over a week. Tomorrow, I’ll be back at it. I only have two pictures from the site this time around, and those are from over a week ago.

Mile 709.4 (elliptical for 1 mile)                             Mile 710.4 (elliptical for 1 mile)

709.4 Elliptical for 1                710.4 Elliptical for 1

(photo credit -;jsessionid=1F4E2B8269D80C6DF557FB31D1D6D77B)

Keep moving. I need a good kick in the rear!

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