Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Found An Active Blogger

I always get excited when I find an active blogger who writes about cerebral palsy. I just happened to stumble upon Tina's blog Living with Cerebral Palsy: Living and Working with Cerebral Palsy. She has spastic cerebral palsy, so it's not exactly the same as mine. I did however relate to quite a few things in this particular post: Unforgiving. I just skimmed the first page of her blog site, and she is actively writing. I subscribed to her blog just now through the email subscription option. Woohoo! I love finding new people with cerebral palsy to learn what they deal with and how they deal with it.


  1. Hey there -
    If you're looking for bloggers with CP, definitely check out Cerebral Palsy Family Network. There is an entire section of the site dedicated to bloggers affected by cerebral palsy (theirs or a family member's). Also, our facebook page has been doing a feature highlighting bloggers in the CP and disabled community. Sounds like just what you're looking for!

  2. Oh wow! Thanks so much for sharing this. I'll definitely take a look at it. :)

  3. Thanks for the comment! I've signed up for your blog update reminders through my email. Thanks!
