Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mileage Monday

Another Monday. Make it a good week everyone. Going to make this short and sweet, since I don’t know what else to say.

Mile 484.6 (elliptical for 1 mile)                                Mile 485 (elliptical for .5 mile)

484.6 Elliptical for 1                   485 Elliptical for .5

Mile 485.6 (elliptical for .5 mile)                               Mile 486 (elliptical for .5 mile)

485.6 Elliptical for .5                   486 Elliptical for .5

Mile 486.8 (elliptical for .7 mile)                               Mile 487.2 (elliptical for .5 mile)

486.8 Elliptical for .7                   487.2 Elliptical for .5


(photo credit - Copyright 2006 Lawrence Berkeley Lab)

Keep moving!

1 comment:

  1. Oops, I hit publish instead of schedule.
