Saturday, November 2, 2013

Results From Leslie Sansone’s October Challenge


(photo credit -

I am quite pleased with my results from Leslie Sansone’s October challenge. I followed the workout schedule pretty well. I did take a few days off here and there, but for the most part, I kept moving every day. I used the elliptical, Leslie Sansone DVDs and videos, and my adult trike.

I also received an early birthday gift…the FitBit Aria (scale). I’d been mulling that over for a while, and the husband ended up getting it for me last week. I’ve only used it a few times, but so far, I think it’s pretty accurate. I started the challenge off using my needle scale, and my weight was at 140 (close as I can tell)). I weighed in on November 1 and the Aria said I was 137.5. So, woohoo for me. I also weighed in this morning, and it said 136.6.

I plan to weigh myself daily for now, to see how much the new scale fluctuates. But I do like seeing the “3” in my weight again instead of the “4”. I think the combination of my elliptical, the DVDs, the Trike, and my FitBit Flex has had a great deal of impact on my activity level lately. I’m aiming for 10,000 steps a day, and it’s tough. I’ve made that goal a few times, and will keep trying.

I’m also starting to march in place as I watch certain shows. The Biggest Loser being one of them. I watch it on demand, and can’t fast forward the commercials, so I march in place. I usually take breaks during the commercials, to check my step count on my FitBit app, and to see who all I passed along the way. It’s fun to try and beat people’s step counts.

I hope Leslie Sansone does another of these challenges again. I enjoy them! Keep moving!

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