Monday, January 27, 2014

Mileage Monday

Well my plan to get at least five pictures from the virtual walk site last week ended up only being two. I'm finding it difficult to get into an exercise routine lately. I feel tired all the time, like I'm not getting enough sleep. This morning (Monday), I actually slept in until 6:30 (the alarms goes off at 5:30 AM). Whoops. Not sure how I managed to sleep through not only my alarm, but my husband getting out of bed, him taking the dog out and back in, and the rattling around in the kitchen when he made coffee. I was out. I took a look at my FitBit sleep page for last night and it says I woke up 11 times. I don't remember waking up that many times, may 3 or 4 times, but 11?

(photo credit - FitBit)

I put a pillow over my head most nights to block out sound. Our cat tends to rattle around at night. And of course other nightly snoring...hehe. The pillow works though. And no, my husband is not the only one who snores. I snore like a buzz saw too (I've woken myself up before). That's partly contributing to my bad sleep also I'm sure. Anyway, I feel like I can sleep for ten days straight and still be tired.

So, yes, my exercise is lacking still. I need to force myself to get it done. Give the dog a chew stick and do what I need to do. But, I do have two pictures from last week to share. So, let's get to it.

Mile 716.4 (elliptical for 1 mile)

Mile 717.4 (elliptical for 1 mile
(photo credit -;jsessionid=1F4E2B8269D80C6DF557FB31D1D6D77B)

Here's hoping I can kick myself in the butt this week and get moving. Maybe I need to invest in some chocolate covered espresso beans again. I'm tired of almost falling asleep while watching TV in the evenings. Hehehe. Stop whining Tee and get moving!

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