Monday, October 25, 2010

I Have A Plan

Today's half mile went smoothly. I had no problems, but I think I see a potential for my heel or ankle to have issues. I tend to stretch with my heel stretcher after my workout. I need to use it both before and after. Also I should use it throughout the day. And I should use it for more than 30 seconds. I just do a 30 second stretch on each foot after my workout. That area needs more attention. I can feel my heel cord stretching (not in a good way) on my elliptical too much. I remember my ankle injury in August, and it felt like the muscle or tendon was being ripped off the bone. Don't know if that was what was happening, but that's what it felt like. So, more stretching. I do get a deeper heel cord stretch when I'm in my Five Fingers too.

I'm also getting my butt in gear finally with my walker. I'm a bit hesitant to mention anything about it here, but I suppose I will. Since I have so much better balance in these shoes, I figure it's time to use my walker. I used it a few weeks ago at a doctor's appointment, and once I got the feel for it, I did just fine. I think I'm finally in the right frame of mind to get out of the stinkin' wheelchair I've been using. There will still be instances (for now) where I'll need to use the wheelchair (transporting things), but I have a plan.

Right now, I have a basic walker. Two wheels in front, and two rubber stoppers in back. No basket, no shelf, nothing to put things on. So, when I need to carry something, that's an issue. My plan is this. To get used to using my current walker. I'll use it when I go to the bathroom, since I don't need to carry anything on those trips. Once I use my walker consistently for about a month or two, I'm going to "upgrade". I found a walker on which will do nicely. It's got four wheels, handbrakes, a basket, and a seat. I don't plan on sitting on the seat, I plan on using that as a shelf to carry things.

I don't want to buy it now because I don't want to get it and then not use it. So if I can use my current one consistently for a few months, I'll get it. I need to get used to it first. I already had one trip to the bathroom and back, and I did fine. I was slow, and I hesitated in my steps a few times, but all in all, it went OK for my first time. I'll get used to it more and more as I use it. My husband said I should buy it now, and I’m tempted. We’ll see. I might.

Enough about that for now. I'll keep you all posted on my walker progress. It's sort of what happened when I finally decided to lose weight. A light switch went off, and I'm going to do this.

Elliptical stats for the day:
Distance-0.5 mile
Resistance level-1
Injury- No real issues.

Virtual walk tour stats for the day:
0.5 miles today
192.8 miles since April 28, 2008
7.94 miles to Mechums River, VA, Charlottesville City County

Here's the picture of today's mileage point.


Looks like a nice and sunny day. Open road ahead and blue skies.

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